Yoga kan enthousiaste hardlopers helpen om hun technieken te verbeteren. In mijn yoga-sessies (in het Engels) behandel ik effectieve ademhalingstechnieken om je uithoudingsvermogen te verbeteren. Met rekmethoden kun je blessures voorkomen. En ik help je met mentale strategieën om beter om te gaan met pijn en ongemak.
Elke week behandelen we een ander aspect van hoe yoga je kan helpen een betere hardloper te worden. Na 7 weken komen deze onderwerpen in dezelfde volgorde weer terug. Je kunt instappen op elk moment.
Alle Y4R-sessies vinden momenteel online plaats. Je kunt rechtstreeks via deze website boeken en betalen in € (EUR), of je kunt betalen in £ (GBP) via Eventbrite. Klik gewoon op een knop hieronder.
Prijs: £ 5 (+ reserveringskosten) of € 6
Week 1: Happy Hips
Sun 23rd May
10:00 BST
11:00am CEST
Pranayama: Deep diaphragmatic breathing
Vinyasa flow: How to effectively and safely stretch and open your hips? With healthy hips we can maintain a healthy core, and be able to look after our legs better as well. Vibrant but accessible sequence for experienced yogis as well as new beginners.
Week 2: Happy Knees & Ankles
Sun 30th March
10:00 BST
11:00am CEST
Pranayama: Introduction to breath-holding and slower exhales to improve your VO2Max
Vinyasa flow: The main focus of the class is strengthening and conditioning of the knees and ankles, as well as stretching and opening of your calves.
Week 3: Happy Quads and Hamstrings
Sun 6th June
10:00 BST
11:00am CEST
Pranayama: Slowing down your exhales to allow your body to relax.
Vinyasa flow: Using you body's natural predisposition to relax when you exhale slowly. to help open up the two most stubborn muscle groups of your body: quads and hamstrings.
Week 4: Happy at the Core
Sun 13th June
10:00 BST
11:00am CEST
Pranayama: Introduction fo Kapalabhati - an energising breathing practice that can help you create a steady rhythm and stabilise your core during fast runs.
Vinyasa flow: Strengthening your core for better stability, opening your spine, shoulders and arms, for better postural alignment which is crucial to keep your body healthy and in shape.
Week 5: Deep Stretch Class
Sun 20th June
10:00 BST
11:00am CEST
Pranayama: Training your diaphragm to accommodate varying breathing rhythms in one training session. Switching between slow and fast breathing.
Vinyasa flow: We will go deep into the stretches, utilising the yogic tradition of yin to properly open up your joints and muscle tissue.